

2023 Rutgerd Boelens, Tom Perreault, and Jeron Vos (eds.), Justicia Hídrica, Poder y Solidaridad, Centro Bartolomé de las Casas, Cusco, Peru and Editorial Abya Yala, Quito (translated and revised version of Water Justice).

2018 Rutgerd Boelens, Tom Perreault, and Jeron Vos (eds.), Water Justice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2015 Tom Perreault, Gavin Bridge and James McCarthy (eds.), The Handbook of Political Ecology, London: Routledge.

2014 Tom Perreault (ed.), Minería, Agua y Justicia Social en los Andes: Experiencias Comparativas de Perú y Bolivia.  Cusco: Centro Bartolomé de las Casas and La Paz: PIEB/Plural.

2002 Tom Perreault, Movilización política e identidad indígena en el Alto Napo, Quito: Ediciones Abya Yala.


Forthcoming. Perreault, Tom. Forthcoming (2025). “Adaptive livelihoods in Andean pastoralism: community-based institutions, peatland management, and migration in Sajama National Park, Bolivia,” Mountain Research and Development.

2025 Kooy, Michelle, Leila M. Harris, Rutgerd Boelens, Tom Perreault, and Erik Swyngedouw, “Karen Bakker: Honouring a sharp mind, fierce intellect, thought pioneer, heart-led scientist and friend.” Water Alternatives, 18(1): 171-180.

2024 Manuel Prieto, Gabriela Valdivia and Tom Perreault “Aporias de las ecologías políticas norte/sur,” Revista Geográfica de Valparaíso, 61: 1-17.

2023 Manuel Prieto, Gabriela Valdivia and Tom Perreault, “Aporias of North/South political ecology,” Progress in Environmental Geography, 2(3): 166-178. 

2022 Tom Perreault,Extraction and its others,” book review essay, Latin American Research Review, 57(3): 708-718.  

2022 Riley Mulhern, Maggie Mulhern, and Tom Perreault, “Contesting the social license to operate: Competing visions and community exclusion on the Bolivian Altiplano.” The Extractive Industries and Society, 9: 100803 

2022 Rutgerd Boelens, Arturo Escobar, Karen Bakker, Lena Hommes, Erik Swyngedouw, Barbara Hogenboom, Edward H. Huijbens, Sue Jackson, Jeroen Vos, Leila M. Harris, K.J. Joy, Fabio de Castro, Bibiana Duarte-Abadía, Daniele Tubino de Souza, Heila Lotz- Sisitka, Nuria Hernández-Mora, Joan Martínez-Alier, Denisse Roca-Servat, Tom Perreault, Carles Sanchis-Ibor, Diana Suhardiman, Astrid Ulloa, Arjen Wals, Jaime Hoogesteger, Juan Pablo Hidalgo-Bastidas, Tatiana Roa-Avendaño, Gert Jan Veldwisch, Phil Woodhouse & Karl M. Wantzen,  “Riverhood: political ecologies of socionature commoning and translocal struggles for water justice,” The Journal of Peasant Studies.

2020 Tom Perreault, “Climate change and climate politics: Parsing the causes and effects of the drying of Lake Poopó, Bolivia.” Journal of Latin American Geography, 19(3): 26-46.

2020 Astudillo Pizarro, Francisco and Tom Perreault. “Medioambiente, agua y conocimiento en la coyuntura latinoamericana: La justicia social como matriz de los estudios socioambientales críticos,” Interview in A&P Continuidad, 7(12): 30-39.

2020 Tom Perreault, “Bolivia’s high stakes lithium gamble,” NACLA Report on theAmericas, 52(2): 165-172.

2019 Natalie Koch and Tom Perreault, “Resource Nationalism,” Progress in Human Geography, 43(4): 611-631.    

2018 Tom Perreault. “Energy, extractivism, and hydrocarbon geographies in contemporary Latin America,” Journal of Latin American Geography, 17(3): 235-252.

2018 Tom Perreault, “Mining, meaning and memory in the Andes,” The Geographical Journal, 184(3): 229-241.

2017 Andrea Marston and Tom Perreault, “Consent, coercion and cooperativismo:  Mining cooperatives and resource regimes in Bolivia,” Environment and Planning A, 49(2): 252-272.

2015 Tom Perreault, “Corrientes, colonialismos y contradicciones: Repensando los raíces y trayectorias de la ecología política,”Estudios Atacameños, 51: 177-183.

2015 Tom Perreault, “Performing participation: Mining, power, and the limits of  consultation in Bolivia.” The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 20(3): 433-451.

2014 Tom Perreault,  “What kind of governance for what kind of equity?” Water International, 39(2): 233-245.

2013 Tom Perreault, “Dispossession by accumulation? Mining, water, and the nature of enclosure on the Bolivian Altiplano,” Antipode 45(5): 1050-1069

2013 Tom Perreault and Barbara Green, “Reworking the spaces of indigeneity: the Bolivian ayllu and lowland autonomy movements compared,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31: 43-60.

 2012 Tom Perreault, Sarah Wraight and Meredith Perreault, “Environmental  injustice in the Onondaga Lake waterscape, New York State USA,” Water  Alternatives, 5(2): 485-506.

2010 Tom Perreault, “Conflictos del gas y su gobernanza: El caso de los Guaraní de Tarija, Bolivia,” Anthropologica, 28 (Suplemento 1): 139-162.

2010 Tom Perreault and Gabriela Valdivia, “Hydrocarbons, popular protest and national imaginaries: Ecuador and Bolivia in comparative context,” Geoforum, 41(5): 689-699.

2008  Tom Perreault, “Custom and contradiction: Rural water governance and the politics of usos y costumbres in Bolivia’s irrigators’ movement,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 98(4): 834-854.

2006 Tom Perreault, “From the Guerra del Agua to the Guerra del Gas: Resource governance, neoliberalism, and popular protest in Bolivia,” Antipode, 38(1): 150-172.

2005 Thomas Perreault, Why chacras (swidden gardens) persist: Agrobiodiversity, food security, and cultural identity in the Ecuadorian Amazon,” Human Organization, 64(4): 327-339.

2005 Thomas Perreault, “State restructuring and the scale politics of rural water governance in Bolivia,” Environment and Planning A, 37(2): 263-284.

2005 Thomas Perreault and Patricia Martin, Geographies of neoliberalism in Latin America,” Environment and Planning A, 37(2): 191-201.

2003 Thomas Perreault, Social capital, development, and indigenous politics in Ecuadorian Amazonia,” Geographical Review, 93(3): 328-349.

2003 Thomas Perreault, “’A people with our own identity’: toward a cultural politics of development in Ecuadorian Amazonia,” Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 21(5): 583-606.

2003 Thomas Perreault, “Changing places: transnational networks, ethnic politics, and community development in the Ecuadorian Amazon,” Political Geography, 22(1): 61-88.

2003 Thomas Perreault, “Making space: community organization, agrarian change, and the politics of scale in the Ecuadorian Amazon,” Latin American Perspectives, 30(1): 96-121.

2003 J. Montgomery Roper, Thomas Perreault, and Patrick Wilson,“Indigenous transformational movements in contemporary Latin America,” (introduction to special edited issue), Latin American Perspectives, 30(1): 5-22.

2001 Thomas Perreault, “Developing identities: indigenous mobilization, rural livelihoods, and resource access in Ecuadorian Amazonia,” Ecumene, 8(4): 381-413.

1999 Anthony Bebbington and Thomas Perreault, “Social capital, development and access to resources in highland Ecuador,” Economic Geography, 75(4): 395-418.

1998 Thomas Perreault, Anthony J. Bebbington, and Thomas F. Carroll , “Indigenous irrigation organizations and the formation of social capital in northern highland Ecuador,” Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Yearbook, 24: 1-15.

1996 Thomas Perreault, “Nature preserves and community conflict: a case study in highland Ecuador,” Mountain Research and Development, 16(2): 167-175.

Book Chapters

2024 Claudia Díaz-Combs, Ainhoa Mingolarra Garaizar and Tom Perreault, “Water governance in Latin America.” In Oliver Fritsch and David Benson (eds.), Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Water Resources, Edward Elgar, pp. 261-273.

2021 Tom Perreault, “Toward a critical-geographic understanding of resource nationalism.” In Matthew Himley, Gabriela Valdivia and Elizabeth Havice (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Critical Resource Geography. London: Routledge.

2020 Tom Perreault, “State of nature: On the co-constitution of resources, state and nation.” In Andrew EG Jones, Natalie Koch, Christopher Lizotte, Juho Juukkonen and Sami Moisio (eds.), Changing Geographies of the State: New Spaces of Geopolitics. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing.

2018 Tom Perreault, “Prefacio.” In Jessica Budds and María Cecilia Roa García (eds.), Equidad y Justicia Hídrica: El Agua como Reflejo de Poder en los Países Andinos. Lima: Fondo Editorial, PUCP, pp. 13-17.

2018 Tom Perreault, “Mining and development in Latin America.” In J. Cupples, M. Palomino-Schalscha and M. Prieto (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Latin American Development, London: Routledge, pp. 421-431.

2018 Tom Perreault, “La memoria del agua: Contaminación minera, memoria colectiva y justicia hídrica,” in Gisselle Vila Benites y Cristóbal Bonelli (eds.), Justicia Hídrica. Quito: Abya Yala, pp. 95-118.

2018 Tom Perreault, “The meaning of mining, the memory of water: Collective experience as environmental justice,” In Water Justice, Rutgerd Boelens, Tom Perreault and Jeron Vos (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 316-329.

2018 Rutgerd Boelens, Jeroen Vos and Tom Perreault, “Introduction.” In Water Justice, Rutgerd Boelens, Tom Perreault and Jeron Vos (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-32. 

2018 Tom Perreault, Jeroen Vos and Rutgerd Boelens, “Conclusion.” In Water Justice, Rutgerd Boelens, Tom Perreault and Jeron Vos (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 346-360.

2017 Tom Perreault “Tendencies in tension: Resource governance and social contradictions in contemporary Bolivia,” In Governance in the Extractive Industries: Power, Cultural Politics and Regulation, Lori Leonard and Siba N. Grovogui (eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 17-38.

2017 Tom Perreault “¿Un tipo de gobernanza para un tipo de equidad? Hacia una teorización de la justicia en la gobernanza hídrica.”  In Bibiana Duarte Abadía, Cristina Yacoub, and Jaime Hoogesteger (eds.), La gobernanza del agua: una visión desde la ecología política y la Justicia hídrica, Quito: Abya Yala, pp. 27-47.

2017 Tom Perreault, “Governing from the ground up? Translocal networks and the politics of environmental suffering in Bolivia,” In Grassroots Environmental Governance: Community Engagements with Industry. Leah Horowitz and Michael Watts (eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 103-125.

2015 Gavin Bridge, James McCarthy and Tom Perreault, “Editors’ introduction.” In The Handbook of Political Ecology, Tom Perreault, Gavin Bridge and James McCarthy (eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 3-18.

2015 James McCarthy, Tom Perreault and Gavin Bridge, “Editors’ conclusion.” In The Handbook of Political Ecology, Tom Perreault, Gavin Bridge and James McCarthy (eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 620-629.

2014 Tom Perreault, “Introducción: Minería, agua y justicia social en los Andes.”  In Minería, Agua y Justicia Social en los Andes: Experiencias comparativas de Perú y Bolivia, Tom Perreault (ed.), Cusco: CBC/La Paz: PIEB, pp. 13-40.

2014 Tom Perreault, “Agua, minería, modos de vida y justicia social en el altiplano boliviano,” In Minería, Agua y Justicia Social en los Andes: Experiencias comparativas de Perú y Bolivia, Tom Perreault (ed.), Cusco: CBC/La Paz: PIEB, pp. 101-124.

2014  Tom Perreault, “Prólogo.” In  Ecología Política en Chile: Naturaleza, Conocimiento, Propiedad y Poder, Beatriz Bustos (ed.), Santiago: Universidad de Chile, pp. 9-14.

2014  Tom Perreault, “Participación y poder: La consulta previa como tecnología de gobernar en el sector minero de Bolivia.”  In Industrias Extractivas en América Latina, Astrid Ulloa (ed.), Bogotá: Universidad Nacional, pp. 107-136.

2014 Tom Perreault, “Beyond the watershed: Decision making at what scale?” In Emma S. Norman, Christina Cook, and Alice Cohen (editors), Scaling Water Governance: The politics of watersheds, waterscapes, and hydrosocial networks. London: Ashgate, pp.117-124.

2013  Tom Perreault, “Nature and nation: the territorial logics of hydrocarbon governance in Bolivia,” In Subterranean Struggles: New Geographies of Extractive Industries in Latin America, Jeffrey Bury and Anthony Bebbington (eds.), Austin: University of Texas Press, pp. 67-90.

2013 Tom Perreault, “¿Despojo por acumulación? Minería, agua, y justicia social en el Altiplano boliviano,”  In Aguas Robadas: Despojo Hídrico y Movilización Social, Aline Arroyo and Rutgerd Boelens (eds.), Quito: Abya Yala and Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, pp. 187-206.

2013 Sarah Wraight, Tom Perreault and Meredith Perreault, “Injusticia ambiental en el estado de Nueva York, EEUU: Una perspectiva integradora,” In Aguas Robadas: Despojo Hídrico y Movilización Social, Aline Arroyo and Rutgerd Boelens (eds.), Quito: Abya Yala and Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, pp. 243-264.

2012 Tom Perreault, “Extracting justice: Natural gas, indigenous mobilization and the Bolivian state.” In The Politics of Resource Extraction: Indigenous Peoples, Mutlinational Corporations, and the State, Suzana Sawyer and Edmund Terence Gomez (eds.), London: Palgrave, pp. 75-102.

2010 Rutgerd Boelens and Rocio Bustamante, Tom Perreault, “Struggles for water control: from water wars to mobilizations for day-to-day water rights defense” in Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Politics and Identity, Rutgerd Boelens, David Getches and Armando Guevera Gil (eds.), London and Washington, DC: Earthscan, pp. 281-306.

2010 Tom Perreault, “El capitalismo, la naturaleza y la identidad social: Una teorización incompleta.”  In Justicia Hídrica: 7 Ensayos Como Aportes para Articular las Luchas, H. Vélez Galeano (ed.), Bogotá, Colombia: CENSAT Agua Vida, Amigos de la Tierra Colombia, pp. 67-79.

Reprinted as: Tom Perreault, “Las contradicciones estructurales y sus implicaciones para la justicia hídrica: Pensamientos incompletos,” in Justicia Hídrica: Acumulación, Conflicto y Acción Social, Rutgerd Boelens, Leontien Cremers and Margreet Zwarteveen (eds.), Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos/PUCP, pp. 67-77 (2011).

2009 Tom Perreault, “Environment and development,” in Companion to Environmental Geography. Noel Castree, David Demeritt, Diana Liverman and Bruce Rhoads (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 442-460.

2009 Gavin Bridge and Tom Perreault, “Environmental governance,” in Companion to Environmental Geography. Noel Castree, David Demeritt, Diana Liverman and Bruce Rhoads (eds.), Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 475-497.

2009 Tom Perreault, “Assessing the limits of neoliberal environmental governance in Bolivia,” in Beyond Neoliberalism in Latin America? John Burdick, Philip Oxhorn and Ken Roberts (eds.). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 135-156.

2008 Tom Perreault, “Popular protest and unpopular policies:  state restructuring, resource conflict and social justice in Bolivia” In Environmental Justice in Latin America.  David Carruthers (ed.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 239-262.

2007 Tom Perreault, De la ‘guerra del agua’ a la ‘guerra del gas’: gobernabilidad de recursos, neoliberalismo, y protesta popular en Bolivia.”  In Depsués de las Guerras del Agua en Bolivia, Carlos Crespo and Susan Spronk and (eds.), La Paz, CESU-UMSS/ Plural Editores, pp. 147-182.

2006 Tom Perreault, Escalas socioespaciales, reestructuración del Estado y el gobierno neoliberal del agua en Bolivia,” in Políticas Hídricas y Derechos Campesinos e Indígenas, edited by Rutgerd Boelens, Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos/ Quito, Abya Yala, pp. 281-315.

2004 Tom Perreault, “Michael Watts” In P. Hubbard, R. Kitchen, and G. Valentine (eds.), Key Contemporary Thinkers on Space and Place, London: Sage, pp. 323-329.  (updated and revised as“Michael Watts” In P. Hubbard, R. Kitchen, and G. Valentine (eds.), Key Thinkers on Space and Place [Second Edition], London: Sage, pp. 454-460, 2010).

 2001 Thomas Perreault, “Vidas rurales y acceso a recursos naturales: El caso Guamote,” with Anthony Bebbington.  In Capital Social en los Andes, A. Bebbington, and V.H. Torres (eds.), Quito: Abya Yala, pp. 69-104.

 2001 Thomas Perreault, “Organizaciones de riego y la formación de capital social: El caso Cayambe,” with Anthony Bebbington and Thomas Carroll. In A. Bebbington, and V.H. Torres (eds.), Capital Social en los Andes, Quito: Abya Yala, pp. 105-139.


2011 Tom Perreault, “Minería, agua y vidas rurales: impactos socio-ambientales de la minería en la sub-cuenca Huanuni (informe de resultados preliminares).”  Unpublished report prepared for the Centro de Ecología y Pueblos Andinos (CEPA), Oruro, Bolivia, 30pp.

2008 Tom Perreault, “Natural gas, indigenous mobilization, and the Bolivian state,” Identities, Conflict and Cohesion Programme Paper No. 12, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), 27pp.